
Pressing On

I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 3:14 NIV

This verse really spoke to me this week...I guess mostly because the news about Pastor Kim and his wife really shook me. Out of all the churches I have attended this is the only one where I feel like my family in Christ is actually my family. Losing Pastor Kim and his wife is like having family members taken away from you. Thinking back all I ever received from either of them were genuine smiles, hugs, and how-are-you's...and I hardly share any history with them at all. This whole situation breaks my heart because I cannot even imagine the sacrifices the entire Kim family has made so willingly for the glory of God.

But that's really what we have to do, isn't it? I mean when it comes down to it, faith isn't about our church members or our leaders, it's about you and God. Giving up our past lives, lives of sin and worldy things...well it's not really much of a sacrifice if you think about how amazing it will be in dwelling in the heavenly kingdom of God. But that's not really to say that life on this earth is a breeze, and that once you accept Jesus Christ that your life will be perfect and you will never struggle with any sort of sin or temptation ever again. Quite the opposite actually; you'd probably be much more aware of sin and Satan's traps for you. Also I guess that like Pastor Kim, we will all be faced with situations where we must push on, the only thing keeping us on that path being our trust in God. This week I have been praying so hard for their family and the future of our church, but I know that each of us must persevere, press on for the glory of God and the hope of eternity with Him.


Be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace; and the God of love and peace shall be with you.
2 Corinthians 13:11

This week I read this verse and it seemed to stick out to me especially because we have break this week. During breaks I usually sleep alot and pretty much do whatever I want...but I also found that I am more spiritually sound during breaks. I have less stress and more time that is devoted to God without having other worries or anxieties interfere. This verse says that we should live in peace...and not just on breaks. I think this verse shows how I should already be content with what God has given me. It's almost the exact opposite of what we're taught by the media and parents and stuff...to always want more money, to work harder in school to get a better paying job, etc. I'm sure that my parents are just trying to make sure I don't end up being a hobo on the street, but I know that God will provide for me wherever I end up. I just think it's awesome that I have that reassurance. Even if I were to end up as a hobo on the street, God is still going to be with me. I don't know what God's plan for me is in the future, but I am content because I have all I will ever need--His love. If God's love is with me on this earth and even past that, then the temporary things I acquire on this earth are of much less significance...


Recently one of my friends was rejected from some of the schools he applied to...after he received the rejection letters he told me how frustrated he was and how he didn't really know what God's plan for him on this earth is if his chance to go to college is taken away. My automatic response was to comfort him, reminding him that God will never give us more than we can handle and that when we have salvation in Christ, we are entrusting our lives to God fully and completely in all matters of life. Later I guess I realized that I'm pretty much anxious about the same thing. I don't know what God has in store for me at all, and now that college visiting and all this other stuff is starting to come around during junior year it's all a bit mortifying at first. In considering what areas I would like to pursue in college, I am starting to look at things I could do in either english or art. My parents worry because they say there is no money in either of those studies and their worries start to become my own. Upon deeper reflection I am comforted by the realization that I already one true purpose on this life, which is (always!) to live a life that glorifies Christ and His sacrifice for us on the cross. But even with the commands that Scripture provides us with it's still hard to know what God is calling you to do in order to glorify His name to the best of your own ability...which is why I like this verse alot:

So do not worry, saying ‘What shall we eat’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the Pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Matthew 6:31-34 NIV

Not only does this relieve my anxieties about college and the future; but it also reminds me the importance of reading Scripture. Just because you've read Scripture once doesn't mean you've taken it all in. Our memories fade; therefore, constant reinforcement, re-application, and general reflection is what makes Scripture valid in our lives both now and until we stand before Him in judgment.


Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.
Colossians 3:23 NIV

This is a really simple verse that I am trying to apply to my own life because I think it gets straight to the point of how we should live as believers. If we don't give over every aspect of our life to God, our faith is false. To claim faith to the Lord only when we're inside a church building or in front of our christian friends/family members is useless and in time, only harms ourselves in that we have deprived ourselves from a chance of true salvation in Christ. For my own spiritual life this is something I've thought about a lot, because at first I didn't really understand the verse. We are commanded by Scripture to live our lives so that the work that we do will glorify God's image and not our own. Thus, even the things I do in my daily ritual that seem trivial to me should be magnified in their importance because they are for God and dedicated to His glory. But things like swim practice, washing dishes, doing my homework....how were these things at all related to glorifying God? Even though it may not be straightforwardly glorifying God like we do when we sing praise songs and prayer, it is still work. When I do homework, it is (I hope) to improve my mind and at the very least my discipline. An improved mind and discipline can be used to gain a better understanding of Scripture and my spiritual relationship with God. Things like helping my parents with chores and swimming aren't directly related to worshipping God-but they may give me opportunities for evangelism and extending further from the church "bubble" of overly self-contented christians. In the end I think that faith should be something that transcends the boundaries that we often create in our own minds when we compartmentalize our lives. Faith is not something to be restricted into "Church time" or "Prayer/Devo Time", rather, it should be a driving force that moves all aspects of our lives so that we can glorify God with all that we have.