except that's like, MAD INK when you print out 25 copies of that every week
so i'll have to come up with something else =/
DC Talk's "Jesus Freak"-
Separated, I cut myself clean
From a past that comes back in my darkest of dreams
Been apprehended by a spiritual force
And a grace that replaced all the me I've divorced
What will people think
When they hear that I'm a Jesus freak
What will people do when they find that it's true
I don't really care if they label me a Jesus freak
There ain't no disguising the truth
Freak. Harsh words. When I was younger, I pretty much thought those words every time someone even spoke about "God" or "Jesus Christ". In the back of my mind I would roll my eyes and immediately judge the person to be a weirdo church freak. My mom told me that Christians believed Jesus was the Son of God and that he had paid for our sins by his death on the cross. I think someone even gave me a book that illustrated several stories from the bible. So, although I knew one of the most basic essentials of faith, I did not actually understand the absolute magnitude of his doing so. To me, they were just stories. I believed I was such a good girl that Jesus dying for me-well, there was not much to pay for in my case, even if the story I read on those pages were really true.
But thank God for the friends and the numerous adults who have Christ in their lives-never giving up on trying to get me to church. Over my middle school years my attempts at a spiritual life was on and off. There would be long periods in which I would sing, praise, and read the bible, yet at times I would find myself straying and avoiding church for months at a time.
I think sometimes by growing up around so many Christians, those of you who have the privilege of being raised in Christ often become blinded to how desperate the world is. This applies for myself as well, because even though my home is not in Christ, many of my closest friends at school are followers. However....when we are forced to confront those who are not saved, those who challenge us with their eyes and words...we feel unprepared, anxious that we won't find the proper words to express truth, fearful of rejection. Furthermore, by constantly being surrounded by our church community and people who do know truth, we grow unconscious of the URGENCY of the need to spread Christ-this world is absolutely filled with greed, sorrows, cheap thrills, and billions desperately seeking a method to fill the empty schism in their lives. Only Christ can do the latter. When fear creeps into our hearts however, we shy away from speaking the Gospel to those who do not know it...defeating the purpose of our claim that He is the "truth." If He really is the truth, we have an obligation to tell everyone about it. If we believe, yet keep silent, it would mean we have chosen to condemn this world to hell. He calls us to spread his word. He calls us to unite as one, so that we can let Him save others through us. World, you can call me whatever you want-church freak, weirdo, bible-thumper. But i'm sick of disguising truth. So let's do it-let's be freaks for Jesus.
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
2 Timothy 1:7
Well written. God has given you an ability to communicate well with words. Continue using the talent for His glory! I loved this: "If He really is the truth, we have an obligation to tell everyone about it. If we believe, yet keep silent, it would mean we have chosen to condemn this world to hell." True that. Now, let's stand strong during the school year ;)
lets GO! romans 1.16 I AINT ASHAMED
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