

And we urge you, brothers, warn those who are idle, encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone.

1 Thessalonians 5:14

Man okay so I'll be the first to admit that I have temper problems. Whenever something goes wrong or someone does something in a way I don't like, there's a good chance I'll snap at them or end up saying something that hurts their feelings. I don't know if alot of you guys have seen that side of me, not many things annoy me when I'm hanging out at retreats or worshipping. But it's the times where I'm not directly worshipping, praising, learning about God that I forget myself. That would pretty much leave my time at school, home, etc. It's how I've reacted since I was a little kid. Lacking in patience. But this verse is so good that I stuck it on the bulletin board in my room as a reminder, cuz as a follower of Christ it's important to do more than read the bible. Gotta live up to the Word, gotta live up to be like Christ, amen? So I guess the very last part of the verse is what speaks to me the most, be patient with everyone, no matter how they are or what they've done.


Paul Han said...

Man. Even the littlest things like patience are in the Word of God. Isn't that amazing? =]
I like how you placed that verse on your bulletin as a reminder for you. That's a good idea; I'm going to do the same now (except I don't have a bulletin; I'll just stick post-its on my wall =])

Stephen Kim said...

hmmm..."warn the idle"
haha...I should post that on my classroom.

Good job, Polly. Once again...the application of God's word in our lives is so critical.